Q&A: The Benefits Of Bonding

If you have been seeking out ways to improve minor issues with your smile, then you may have come across a cosmetic treatment called dental bonding. A very simple treatment, bonding provides patients with a wealth of exceptional benefits. If you have learned anything about this cosmetic option, you know that just a small change or two to your smile can go a long way. As for particular answers to your questions about bonding, we are happy to offer some clarity with a quick Q&A session.

Questions and Answers: Dental Bonding Benefits

Question: How does bonding help if I need more tissue in a particular area?

Answer: We can manipulate and sculpt the composite we use – a synthetic resin material – to replace missing tissue or to fill spaces between teeth. As a result, you may address chips, fill grooves, or create the illusion that neighboring teeth are touching.

Question: Can you use composite as a way to cover small problems? Can you use it as a flat layer?

Answer: Yes, we often rely on dental bonding to cover up problems that simply require camouflaging. In these instances, we will paint a thin layer of composite over an esthetic issue like a craze line or a stain. Once we set the material and polish your tooth, the cover-up will be complete.

Question: Is dental bonding something that will achieve a natural, lasting finish or should I think of it as a temporary solution?

Answer: When we offer bonding we match the color of the composite to your surrounding tooth, so it matches seamlessly for a beautiful, believable finish. The bonding will last for several years, so you can enjoy bonding as a long-term solution.

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