Q&A: Why Drink More Water?

You might be scratching your head in response to the constant onslaught of suggestions you hear to increase your water intake. If you’re already consuming enough H20, then you’re likely in good shape. However, if you’re not (or you’re unsure), then it’s most certainly time to have your questions answered. From our perspective, we can easily speak to the reasons it’s significant for your body and your oral health, so let’s get started!

Questions and Answers

Question: First, I know that I’m not drinking very much water but I don’t know how much is a good amount. Do you have a suggestion for a minimum that I should consume every day?

Answer: Generally speaking, you should consume around 64 ounces every day. If you’ve ever heard “eight 8-oz.” glasses, that is certainly a solid guideline to remember.

Question: Is drinking water really going to do something magical for my oral health? Why does it matter if I increase the amount that I sip every day?

Answer: It matters that you drink enough water every day because it can do some really powerful things. As your body remains hydrated, so do your oral tissues (which means you avoid dry mouth and the decay and other problems that come with it). It also helps keep your smile clean every time you sip, so you reduce your chance of cavity formation, gum disease, bad breath, and more.

Question: Why drink water instead of other beverages? Does it really make a difference for y oral health, even if I’m drinking light colored juices or clear sodas most of the time?

Answer: Water is the only neutral, clear, sugar-free drink you’re going to find. It won’t cause acid erosion, cavities, or stains. Unfortunately, any type of juice or soda will contribute to stains, decay, or otherwise.

Find Out How To Protect Your Smile

Learn more about safe tips for your oral health when you come in for your visits with us two times a year. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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