Ready To Whiten Your Smile?

How ready do you think you are to move ahead with teeth whitening? If you want a whiter smile, then your intentions are on track. However, there are some additional factors to consider as you prepare to receive cosmetic treatment. For instance, taking the time to learn about your options, learn more about candidacy, and reflect on your preferences is the best place to begin. Allow us to get you thinking about some important topics.

Do You Think Teeth Whitening Is The Solution?

If you want a whiter smile, you may immediately assume that teeth whitening is the best treatment for your discoloration. However, there are a lot of details that go into making up your candidacy. For instance, if you want to whiten one tooth, you don’t necessarily need whitening – bonding or a veneer may help. Or, if you want to brighten up a smile that includes crowns, you may need multiple treatments because we cannot bleach porcelain. Speak with us during a consultation for effective treatment suggestions.

Do You Want Additional Treatments?

Are you interested in achieving a whiter smile – and you are also hoping to make other improvements? Maybe you want to change your tooth shape, fill spaces, or make other alterations. It’s important to create a personalized care plan that addresses all of your needs. Whether you choose teeth whitening and other treatments or decide on veneers to address every concern at once, we are here to help.

Have You Thought About Budget?

It’s extremely important that you consider your budget before you make decisions. This will guide you as you select the treatment best suited to whitening your smile and your financial goals.

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