Root Canal Therapy Prevents More Problems

Your root canals are actually a vital part of your tooth. While the crown of your tooth is used for chewing foot, the root canals are what makes your tooth “alive.” Root canals carry blood vessels, nerves, and nutrients to and from your tooth. You need healthy root canals to ensure healthy, stable teeth. If your root canals become infected by bacteria, you’ll need to seek treatment, in the form of root canal therapy, to relieve the issue. Root canal therapy doesn’t just repair your tooth’s roots, it also prevents further problems from developing.

What Issues Can Happen Related to Root Canal Infections?

Your roots are buried beneath the surface of your gum line. The function of your tooth’s crown is to protect the inside of the tooth, which includes the root canals. When that surface becomes compromised by something like a cavity, it can open you up to additional issues. If your root canals are already infected, it’s likely that you have a cavity in that tooth as well. Furthermore, since your root canals connect to other oral tissues, an infection in this area can lead to other infections, as the bacteria may travel to these other tissues.

Root Canal Therapy Cleans and Plugs Your Root Canals

If your dentist determines that you need root canal therapy, they will start by cleaning out your root canals. They will carefully make a small hole to access the interior of your tooth’s root. Then, they will extract all of the infected tissue inside the root canal to eliminate the problem. Finally, they will seal the root canal, preventing the infection from returning in the future. After these steps have been completed, your dentist will fit you for a dental crown to cover your vulnerable tooth and protect it for the future.

You Can Prevent Root Canal Infections

While root canal therapy can relieve a root canal infection, it’s best to prevent the condition altogether. Preventing root canal infections is a matter of diligent cleaning. Most root canal infections are caused by untreated cavities or gum disease. That means that brushing and flossing regularly, as well as visiting your dentist every six months, is the best way to prevent a root canal infection. Committing to a cleaning routine can actually prevent nearly every major oral health issue, which is why it’s so important to do so.

The Dental Centre of Conroe Treats Root Canal Infections

If you do develop an issue like a cavity or root canal infection, it’s important to treat the condition as soon as possible. At The Dental Centre of Conroe, you’ll receive comprehensive care for all of your oral health needs. Whether it’s a simple checkup, or root canal therapy, we provide a comfortable environment in which our patients can feel informed about their care. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, call our Conroe, TX, dental office today at (936) 441-4600.

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