Say Goodbye To 3 Bad Habits

You might be shocked to think that you are practicing some bad oral health habits. This is a particularly hard pill to swallow if you have been putting forth a significant amount of effort in any area of dental hygiene. However, it’s important to remember that it can be very easy to overlook not-so-great habits, particularly if you don’t know they’re bad for your smile! Learn about a few vices to say goodbye to – it can make quite a difference.

Bad Habit #1: Poor Organization

Some call it forgetfulness or absent-mindedness – others call it a choice to avoid using a planner! Whether you use an old-fashioned paper version or organizational tools on your phone, we encourage you to keep up with your oral health by making reminders for twice-annual visits, dental hygiene products, and anything else essential for your smile that you might otherwise forget.

Bad Habit #2: Excessive Chewing

Did you know that too much chewing can be bad for your oral health? When it comes to snacks and meals, the only way to lessen chewing is to choose something that is easy to break down without excessive force. As for the extra stuff – avoid chewing on your eyeglasses arm, your pen, gum, or ice. These habits can lead to (or aggravate) bruxism or TMJ disorder.

Bad Habit #3: Bad Brush Care

Did you know that there is a right and wrong way to care for your toothbrush? If you wish to protect your oral health then you need to keep your brush clean. Fortunately, this really couldn’t be simpler. First, make sure you rinse it off after use and that you keep it out of moist areas, so it can air-dry. Then, remind yourself to purchase a brand new one every three to four months, so your dental hygiene stays effective.

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