Solutions For A Variety Of Smile Blemishes

Nothing is more disheartening than putting in all of the effort to take proper care of you smile just for an accident to occur that impacts its appearance. Indeed, you may be taking care to brush and floss properly, maintain a healthy diet, and even attend routine checkups, and yet a single crack or chip can tarnish your entire smile’s integrity. While seeking treatment to address these concerns may seem daunting, on the contrary, solutions to these complications may actually be quite simple. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the way cosmetic dentistry can provide solutions to enhance your smile, and how porcelain veneers address a variety of concerns.

Where do these Issues Come from?

It goes without saying that protecting your smile’s health is of the utmost importance when caring for your grin. After all, there are countless factors out there posing a significant threat to your teeth, and the only thing you can do to fend them off is to ensure your preventive dental routine is well-rounded and consistent.

Indeed, complications such as stains can arise from consuming foods and beverages that contain staining pigments, such as coffees, teas, and berries. What’s more? You may experience a chip or a crack from a random accident or physical injury, and gaps in-between teeth may develop naturally. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry is here to help.

Cosmetic dentistry’s sole purpose is to address those surface-level issues that arise that do not impact your health, but merely your smile’s appearance. To learn more about this process, reach out to our team today.

The Ability to Address Multiple Concerns

One issue that may arise when seeking cosmetic remedies is that most options do not address a variety of concerns. For instance, whitening is excellent for stains, but not very effective when dealing with chips and cracks. Likewise, bonding and contouring are great for chips or cracks, but might not be the best option to address stains.

When your grin is riddled with a variety of blemishes and you are not sure where to look for help, our team can provide treatment with porcelain veneers. Veneers are ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain designed to fit on top of the front of your teeth and are secured with dental cement to offer a permanent solution.

Dental Porcelain Mimics Natural Teeth

One of the major benefits that arise with veneers is their ability to not only address many discrepancies in a smile, but to mimic your natural teeth in terms of texture, shape, and even shade. What’s more? We can create and place your shells in only a couple of visits, meaning you are right on your way to a vibrant grin once more!

Schedule Your Next Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, or schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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