Teeth Grinding: Where’s This Coming From?

Do you grind your teeth in a chronic manner? As in, you don’t occasionally do it on purpose but this is something that’s happening on a consistent basis? If so, recognize that this is called bruxism disorder and requires treatment. Already completely aware and receiving treatment but you’re just not sure about why this is affecting your oral health? No problem. Even though there might not be a final answer regarding the specific cause, we can certainly help you understand some factors that may contribute.

It Could Be Genetic (At Least Partly)

If you feel like this is all your fault (it isn’t), remember that your teeth grinding may be caused in part by genetics. So, if your mom has bruxism disorder and you’re pretty sure your father has been treated for it too … well, it might have a little something to do with heredity.

Your Lifestyle Habits May Play A Role

Now, before you completely blame your parents for your bruxism disorder and need for treatment, it’s important to recognize that more than your DNA alone is responsible for teeth grinding. Some of your lifestyle habits may contribute. So, take our advice seriously and cut back on caffeine, address stress, and more, so you’re less likely to grind.

Your Voluntary Habits Can Promote Involuntary Habits

As you know, bruxism disorder is involuntary. This means that you’re not purposely grinding your teeth back and forth. Instead, your muscles are moving on their own. Unfortunately, if you perform voluntary excessive chewing habits (like chewing gum, snacking a lot, and more), it can encourage muscle movement. Let your smile relax as much as possible, as extra movement can make matters worse.

Come See Us For Bruxism Treatment

Remember that if you’re suffering from bruxism, it’s time to come in to receive treatment to protect your oral health. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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