Three Things That Might Be Causing Your Toothache

Most, if not all, individuals have experienced tooth pain, aching, or sensitivity in some shape or form at one point during their lives. Whether from drinking a frozen drink too fast or getting a chip or other food item stuck between teeth, it has happened to all of us. In the event you experience some form of oral pain, you can alert your dentist at your routine examination so that they can be sure to identify the cause of the problem. Even though this phenomenon occurs, the team at The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX want you to know that you should be experiencing pain consistently, and that if you do, you should contact your dentist immediately. Otherwise, here are three things that may be contributing to your toothache.

Your Diet

What you eat or drink can have a significant impact on the health of your smile. Foods with a high acidity, such as oranges and other citrus items or coffee, can cause your enamel to wear down at a faster rate. Enamel is the primary line of defense protecting your teeth from harmful outside bacteria and other microorganisms, and once it is gone, there is nothing protecting your smile. When enamel is worn down, your teeth begin to feel more sensitive to things that come into contact with them.

Another factor effecting your teeth includes sugar intake. Sugar causes oral bacteria present in your grin to secrete harmful acids that aid in tearing down your enamel. Not only that, but it allows the bacteria to eat away at your tooth’s structure, causing cavities and requiring a tooth-colored dental filling to preserve the integrity of your smile.

Other factors consist of chips or other crunchy product that injure your gums or get stuck between teeth, and extremes in temperatures such as an extra hot latte or ice cream. Learn more about how your diet effects how your teeth feel.

Harmful Bacteria

The presence of harmful bacteria contributes to the breakdown of oral structures. When enough bacteria gather and work together, they eat away at teeth and cause diseases such as gum disease and decay, and can ultimately result in tooth loss. When this occurs, oral structures become sensitive and ache as the microorganisms dive into the gums and roots. Typically attending routine check-ups and dental cleanings can assist with this problem.

Structural Damage

Whether from tough foods or oral bacteria, your tooth could be suffering from structural damage. When a structure cracks, for example, you will experience an ache or pain because the structure will, in some way, expose a root to danger. When this occurs, it is pertinent you contact your dentist immediately.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Contact Dr. Richards at The Dental Centre of Conroe today to learn more about the causes to your ache and how our team can help. Contact our Conroe, TX office by calling (936) 441-4600.

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