Tips For Increasing Your Water Intake

You know that drinking water is beneficial for your oral health. You also know that it’s important for your general health because it keeps your body hydrated. However, this does not mean you are drinking enough water on a daily basis. Don’t worry – getting your 64 suggested ounces every day can feel like quite a tall order! Since water is so helpful at protecting you (this includes the prevention of concerns like cavities), we have some tips that will make it easier to increase your consumption.

Tip #1: Purchase A Reusable Bottle

If you’re not drinking as much water as you would like, protecting your wellbeing and oral health is often improved by purchasing a reusable water bottle. Make sure it’s free of dangerous chemicals (like BPA), so you can continue re-filling it and reusing it on a daily basis. By carrying your water with you, reaching for water and having it available becomes simple.

Tip #2: Limit Other Drinks In Your Home

Interested in increasing the amount of water you drink – or replacing other drinks with water? You probably know that other drinks have the potential to promote tooth decay, while water does not, so this is a wise decision. Make it easy to accomplish by limiting the other beverages in your home. When you’re thirsty, water will be the only option.

Tip #3: Download A Water App

Yes, it’s true – there’s an app for just about everything these days! If you are not quite sure how much water you consume on a daily basis and being accountable helps, take a look around for a water intake tracker that suits your fancy. You will feel more motivated to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, while protecting your oral health.

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