Using Implants To Restore Function

While losing teeth at a young age is a natural occurrence, losing structures as an adult is a completely different story. In fact, adult teeth are permanent, meaning once they are gone, there is no getting them back. Circumstances such as decay or infection are typically the culprit, and more than just your appearance will suffer from it, including your function. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist would like to discuss the importance in oral function and how dental implants can help restore yours after tooth loss.

Why You Need All of Your Teeth

To understand the importance of having all of your teeth, you need to have an understanding of oral function. You see, oral health is comprised of more than just teeth. It includes all structures and tissues pertaining to the mouth. All of these factors work together to achieve basic tasks such as biting, chewing, or eating, and it is important the system is complete so that these tasks function optimally.

When it comes to your teeth in particular, they are comprised of two main parts. These include the crown, which is the noticeable top of a tooth used to chew, and the root, whose secure connection to the jaw bone allow your crown to absorb the pressure of your bite without falter. When a tooth is missing, however, the system becomes at risk and begins to function sub-optimally.

In cases such as the one described above, a dental implant and restoration may be able to assist by restoring your bite’s function. You see, the biocompatible post is place within the jaw bone, which then heals around the post and creates a thorough connection, allowing the artificial root to absorb the pressure of your bite. Atop this will sit a custom restoration.

Preserving Your Health

The lack of a present structure not only impacts your bite’s function, but puts your health at risk as well. For instance, harmful bacteria that contribute to decay thrive in the warm, moist, and hard-to-access areas of the mouth, meaning that the open gumline where a structure once stood is an ideal candidate. This not only increases your chance of future infection, but also increases the likelihood that you will lose even more structures to bacterial infection.

A Natural Appearance

A major benefit of dental implants is their ability to closely mimic your natural teeth. In fact, a crown utilizes high-quality material and shade-match technology in order to mimic your natural smile. What’s more, your specialist will take care to shape the restoration and provide texture so that once it is placed, you will experience a near-seamless appearance.

Contact Our Team

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to find out more about the benefits of implant dentistry or to schedule your appointment with our team today.

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