Because it’s been worn-down
Your healthy, natural tooth structure is highly resilient, and under normal circumstances, it can withstand a huge amount of bite pressure without becoming worn-down. However, there are certain circumstances that can lead to your tooth structure becoming worn-down, and the excessive wear can lead to significant concerns with their health and integrity. For instance, if you grind your teeth constantly, or if your teeth or bite are uneven, then your bite’s pressure may become excessive on one or more of your teeth, causing them to become increasingly worn. The sooner you address it, the more you can limit the wear on your tooth structure.
Because it’s started to decay
One of the more common ways in which a tooth can become compromised and need restoring is for the tooth structure to start to decay. Tooth decay is an infection in the tooth’s structure that’s caused by harmful oral bacteria, which are found abundantly in dental plaque. When a tooth starts to decay, the infection continuously erodes its structure, and the damage will remain permanent until you restore the tooth. Fortunately, addressing tooth decay early can often be a highly conservative process, such as cleaning and filling the cavity with a tooth-colored filling.
Because it has a crack or break
Tooth damage can come in many forms, and in addition to being worn-down, this can also include the tooth’s crown structure fracturing or breaking. Like other forms of tooth damage, the crack or break can continue to grow worse, causing your tooth to lose strength and integrity and be at a higher risk of being lost. Restoring the tooth depends on the nature and extent of the damage, and in severe cases, it may require placing a full, custom-designed dental crown over the tooth’s damaged crown structure.
Learn how we can restore your tooth
If your tooth is compromised in some way, then it may be time to visit your dentist to restore it and prevent it from being compromised further. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling the Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, today at (936) 441-4600.