Why Excellent Care Starts Early

Oral health threats such as dental decay and infection can set in at a much more rapid rate than many individuals expect, and failing to adhere to a preventive dental routine thoroughly can aggravate the situation. Indeed, effective care is more of a process than a one-time occurrence, and taking the necessary steps to brush, floss, attend checkups, and more are crucial to maintaining a smile for life. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the importance of an effective preventive dental routine, and how it is never too early to start teaching children the importance of a lifelong smile.

Never too Early to Start

Every smile is constantly at risk for some form of infection or another. After all, there are countless threats to our oral health, and it only takes missing an appointment or forgetting to brush one time before your chances of encountering one of these concerns increases.

Our office believes that it is never too early to get children excited about their smiles, and we encourage our patients to bring their children in at either the sight of their first tooth or by their first birthday. This is to help familiarize your family with our team and office, so that future visits are calmer and more comfortable.

By about the age of three, our team will begin seeing your little one regularly to monitor smile development. This includes attending a six-month checkup and cleaning to ensure that oral structures are coming in properly, as well as to provide a gentle cleaning that removes plaque deposits. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

Setting a Good Example

When teaching your little one the importance of oral health, it can be quite difficult to communicate this notion if you are not taking excellent care of your smile as well. After all, children tend to imitate their parents or guardians, and they will only care about their teeth as much as you do.

When it comes to children’s dentistry, we encourage our patients to practice proper brushing and flossing while at home, which includes both quality and frequency. To learn more about this process and the proper way to brush, contact our team today.

Additional Treatment for Added Strength

Because younger smiles are still developing, sometimes they can use a boost of strength. To help with this, our team provides fluoride and dental sealant treatments that prevent bacteria from easily affecting oral structures. What’s more? These treatments boost your children’s oral strength, essentially paving the way for a healthy smile for life.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next family visit with our team, or to learn more about the benefits of a well-rounded preventive dental routine.

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