Why Your Dentist Is Recommending A Root Canal

It goes without saying that the last thing a person may want to experience is the loss of a tooth. Moreover, the notion of receiving particularly extensive dental treatment in and of itself can be a frightening concept, causing some individuals to shy away from the timely restorative care they need the most. Though early signs of decay are best combatted with early treatment in the form of a filling or crown, sometimes an infection has spread significantly further than either of these treatments can manage. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the need for a root canal procedure and explains the necessity of why your dentist is recommending it.

An Infection Has Spread Significantly

Whether you are aware of it or not, your smile is constantly on the defensive against a host of threats. For instance, oral bacteria that are present in your smile may nestle into the hard-to-clean areas of your mouth and feed off of lodged food particles between your teeth or near your gums. Certain items in particular, such as sugar, cause these microorganisms to produce a destructive acid that gradually wears down your teeth.

Over time, a small hole known as a cavity will begin to form as the developing infection reaches its way deeper and deeper into the inner portion of your tooth. This process is considered to be the primary effects of tooth decay.

The problem with decay and similar infections is that they simply do not stop on their own. As a matter of fact, the issue will only continue to get worse until an entire tooth is considered compromised. To prevent this, your last option may be to pursue a root canal procedure. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Your Nerves are Being Damaged

As the infection works its way deeper into your tooth, your sensitive nerves that are housed in your tooth roots will become affected. In fact, the infection will continue to damage these nerves to the point that you begin to experience side effects such as sensitivity, discomfort, and even pain.

To address these concerns and prevent the complete loss of your tooth, your dentist may recommend a root canal. Contact our team to learn more about this process and how our office can help.

An Effort to Prevent Tooth Loss

Nobody wants to lose a permanent tooth, and root canal therapy may be your only hope in preventing this concern from becoming a reality. It involves carefully but thoroughly removing the infected dental pulp and filling the open canals with dental material. Once healed, your structure will be as good as new.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the ins and outs of root canal therapy and schedule your next visit with our team to learn more today.

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