Why You’re Not Beating Bruxism

If you suffer from bruxism, you know that this functional disorder brings with it a slew of nasty symptoms that you would be happy to be rid of forever. The good news is that we offer bruxism treatment to bring relief, while protecting your smile from significant damage (like broken teeth). The bad news is that even if you are receiving treatment, you may find that the comfortable, healthy smile you thought you would quickly achieve is just not happening. Allow us to offer some extremely helpful insight.

You’re Neglecting Your Treatment

When it comes to bruxism treatment, the best way to see the results you want is to remain extraordinarily committed to keeping up with the therapy. What we mean by this follows: Wear your oral appliance every single night. Follow our instructions exactly. By skipping a night here and there, you may clench and/or grind your teeth. As a result, discomfort will follow that will take time to go away. Remain on a steady track with treatment, so you can enjoy the incredible benefits that come with that dedication.

You Think Treatment Is All It Takes

If you think that restoring your oral health only requires you to wear the oral appliance we offer for bruxism treatment, you are not seeing the big picture. For teeth and jaws already exhausted – particularly when grinding or clenching occurs during the day – it is essential that you protect your smile 24/7. This means that in addition to wearing your appliance, you need to avoid harmful factors, such as the following:

  • Chewing gum
  • Biting your nails
  • Habitually chewing (such as chewing on a pencil)
  • Consuming excessive caffeine
  • Failing to deal with daily stress and anxiety
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