3 Ways To Identify Your Bruxism

Do you have a sneaking suspicion that something isn’t quite right with your smile? Are you experiencing different types of sensations, including discomfort, that you are certain are alerting you that an underlying concern is damaging your oral health (but you don’t know what it is)? If the symptoms could be connected to the chronic clenching and/or grinding of your teeth – it might be bruxism. The bad news is that you probably won’t notice you’re grinding or clenching. The good news is that there are some easy ways to identify your need for bruxism treatment. Learn more!

#1: Trust Your Friends

Has your friend or significant other mentioned to you that you have been making some extremely loud noises with your teeth? Is this something that has come up during sleep? Perhaps a family member has noticed you clenching your teeth tightly together and asked if you were okay. Trust the people in your life – they may be giving you all the evidence you need that bruxism treatment can help.

#2: Take A Look At Your Tongue

If this is a problem that has been going on for quite a while, take a moment to look at your tongue in a mirror. Sufferers of bruxism will commonly develop an indented pattern along the outer border of their tongues. If you notice this occurrence, contact us right away, so we can offer effective bruxism treatment.

#3: Schedule Your Dental Checkups

Like most disorders or other problems with your oral health, the easiest way to find out if you are experiencing a particular issue is to keep up with twice annual dental checkups – or to schedule a checkup when something seems to have changed. We will examine you to determine whether bruxism – or something else – is the cause of your concern.

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