Don’t Miss Your Dental Cleaning

Have you ever woken up on the day of your cleaning only to contact us and cancel? Have you simply avoided scheduling your next dental cleaning because you know you will end up missing it or cancelling a few days in advance? If you are a patient suffering from severe dental anxiety, we suggest you speak with us about sedation for a calm cleaning. However, for all patients, we encourage you to consider a few reasons to make and keep that appointment – it’s extremely important for your oral health.

How Often You Should Schedule A Cleaning

You should see us once every six months for both your dental cleaning and your dental checkup. If you are seeing us less frequently, you may find that you end up with an increased need for restorative care. Remember: Keeping up with excellent preventive care habits includes your dental hygiene at home as well as dedication to maintaining your in-office preventive visits.

What Happens When You Miss Cleanings

When you fail to show up for a dental cleaning, the plaque and tartar that you simply cannot rid your teeth of with brushing and flossing will remain. The plaque will harden into tartar, which will continue to accumulate. As this occurs, the bacteria within the tartar will irritate your gum tissue and may slowly eat away at your tooth tissue. Subsequently, even though you continue to brush and floss, you will be working (in part) counterproductively. By keeping up with cleanings, you can get the most out of your dental hygiene because you will not be working against a substance you cannot clean away.

Potential Consequences Of Missing Cleanings

The breakdown and irritation that occurs when you miss your dental cleaning may lead to problems like cavities, gum disease, and even infection. 

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