Categories: Tooth Loss

Beware The Dangerous Tooth Loss Rumors

When you deal with tooth loss, you will likely find yourself having conversations with people about how they handled their own missing teeth. You’ll see things online if you choose to seek out information this way (though we don’t suggest it; much of what you see is not reliable). As a result, you may come across a variety of rumors mixed in with facts. How to differentiate between the two? Well, when you see us for care, you get all facts all the time! For right now, learn more about some rumors that aren’t to your benefit to believe.

Rumor: Tooth Loss Only Happens When You’re Older

If you think tooth loss only happens when you’re in your older years, then you may be embarrassed to seek treatment if it happens to you when you’re young! Recognize that this can happen to anyone at any age. Loss is often the result of traumatic impacts, decay, gum disease, and more.

Rumor: Tooth Loss Always Happens During Elder Years

You may have some beliefs that no matter what, you’re headed for tooth loss in your elder years. This isn’t true. Care for your teeth and gums and you probably won’t lose a single tooth.

Rumor: Addressing Tooth Loss Is Purely Cosmetic

If you think that addressing the teeth missing in your smile is vain in some way, then it’s time to give that up. You are meant to have a complete and healthy smile! This is both in order to allow you to feel confident in yourself as well as to ensure your bite is optimally balanced, so you can eat, so you can talk, and so your jawbone stays healthy.

Protect Your Smile From Tooth Loss With Our Care

Remember that we offer preventive care, restorative care, and even tooth replacement options to assist with keeping your smile complete and healthy. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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