Conservative Treatment For Smile Cracks

Smile care is our top priority as your dentist, and we aim to help you achieve goals of varying degree for your smile. Indeed, you may be in need of a root canal treatment or dental crown to address decay, or your needs may be categorized into a completely different area of dentistry altogether. Regardless of these facts, however, we aim to help you keep your smile safe and strong. Still, sometimes the biggest concerns we face have to do with cosmetic or surface-level issues. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses best treatment options for surface-level cracks and chips in a tooth and how dental bonding and contouring can help.

Taking a Look at Cosmetic Treatment

It goes without saying that, when it comes down to it, preventive dentistry is one of the most important areas of dentistry to place focus on. After all, there are several factors out there that can contribute to damage, infection, or even trauma, and unfortunately, your natural defenses are much fewer and farther between.

Indeed, preventive dentistry is considered to be the name of the game when keeping your smile healthy and protected, but keep in mind that it is no match for non-bacterial related issues such as a physical injury or accident.

In instances where damage occurs merely on the surface of your teeth as opposed to damaging the structure internally, your dentist may recommend the help of cosmetic treatment. You see, cosmetic dentistry is considered to be any treatment that aims to address surface-level damage with noninvasive, simple treatment. More specifically, dental bonding and contouring can be used to address cracks and chips. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Benefits of Bonding and Contouring

Nothing is more disheartening than taking every step you can to maintain a healthy smile just for a dental emergency to occur and damage your smile’s appearance. Though your health is of the utmost importance, sometimes we require additional treatment to help elevate it.

When you come in for your bonding and contouring appointment, our team will take care to apply a composite resin material to the site and smooth/shape it until satisfaction. Following this, we will cure the material using a special light, and then you will be good to go! Contact our team to learn more today.

Other Options for Different Needs

Sometimes cracks and chips are the least of our worries, and our smiles can be riddled with a host of different blemishes. Seeing as everyone’s needs are different, we offer a few different cosmetic options to help address your concerns. Make sure to ask our team about your options at your next visit.

Schedule your Visit Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the different cosmetic dental options our team has to offer, and schedule your next appointment with our team.

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