Dental Implants Seamlessly Complete Your Smile

Attempting to protect your smile from every factor that negatively influences your health is a consistent, lifelong endeavor. Indeed, there is so much out there that can damage your oral structures, and making sure to practice a well-rounded preventive routine is a must. Even still, it only takes one instance of falling short on routine care for concern such as decay to spread inside of and compromise a tooth, ultimately leading to loss. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses the many purposes behind replacing a lost tooth, as well as how a dental implant can do so in a near-seamless way.

How Adult Tooth Loss Affects You

Just like a number of other major concerns, many individuals choose to put off their oral health sometimes because they do not suspect that major concerns such as adult tooth loss will impact them. On the contrary, however, this line of thinking actually encourages destruction at a faster rate.

When taking a look at decay as opposed to other concerns, it is arguably the most common issue plaguing otherwise healthy smiles. Typically caused by hyperactive oral bacteria eating away at a tooth’s natural structure, dental decay can quickly spread and soon compromise an entire tooth before you know it.

Once you have lost a permanent structure, you may believe your troubles end there. This is not the case, unfortunately, as other concerns begin to arise. For instance, troubles with oral function, bone structure, and appearance are all possibilities with an increased likelihood that will continue to get worse without treatment. To learn more, reach out to our team today.

The Need for Proper Function

As you lose teeth, the remaining structures’ ability to properly absorb the pressure of your bite gradually diminishes. This is because pressure can no longer be evenly dispersed among all structures, and others have to accommodate the gaps.

Another issue that arises when a tooth is gone is the impact it has on your jaw bone. You see, a root helps stimulate the bone while the bone helps stabilize your teeth. When a root is no longer present, however, there is nothing to keep the bone strong, and degradation will ensue.

High-Quality Solutions

As a solution to losing one or more structures, your dentist may recommend the help of dental implants and restorations. This process involves strategically placing a biocompatible implant post into the jaw bone, then securing a highly lifelike crown restoration on top. Indeed, the implant itself functions as an artificial root, and your crown can even be shade-matched to mimic the rest of your teeth and provide a near-seamless result.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team today or to learn more about the importance of oral function and implant dentistry.

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