Dentistry Gets Dreamy: An Overview of Sedation Dentistry

Going to the dentist sure isn’t what it used to be. Years ago, a dental exam had unpleasant connotations. Fortunately, modern dentistry has much to offer the equally modern patient. One such benefit, sedation dentistry, affords a convenience and comfort not usually experienced in traditional dental offices. Understanding the advantages of sedation dentistry is essential to making an informed decision about your oral health.

Will I actually fall asleep during my dental procedure?

First, let’s clear up a commonly held misconception about sedation dentistry. Foremost is the inaccurate notion that sedation dentistry actually renders the patient unconscious, or that it induces sleep. Actually, this is untrue of either of the two methods offered by the Dental Centre of Conroe. Oral sedation entails taking an oral sedative, such as Halcion or Valium, prior to your dental appointment, or you can opt for sedatives administered intravenously. Both can cause drowsiness and require you to make travel arrangements to and from your appointment; you will be unable to drive afterward.

Who benefits from sedation dentistry?

Although oral or IV sedatives greatly benefit patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety, you need not have a phobia to glean the benefits of sedation. For example, patients who have a highly sensitive gag reflex often find that sedation makes their dental exams more comfortable, as do patients who have difficulty remaining still for extended periods of time. We also encourage you to consider one of our sedation methods when undergoing multiple dental procedures over the course of a single visit. This allows us to complete more work while requiring you to make fewer trips to our Conroe dentist office.

What else should I know about sedation dentistry?

We emphasize that comfort dentistry is not reserved only for patients who must undergo major dental procedures, such as a root canal treatment, extraction, or dental implantation. Our patients find that having this option is also ideal with treatments and procedures that are not especially invasive or complex. For example, many choose oral sedatives as a precursor to a regular teeth cleaning and comprehensive dental exam. Others find that sedation is a fitting complement to restorative dental work, such as cavities or dental crowns.

About Your Conroe Dentist

At the The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.

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