Categories: TMJ Disorder

Do you Have TMJ Disorder?

It goes without saying that a number of individuals can recognize factors that constitute a dental concern, including pain or sensitivity in teeth, the presence of decay, a broken or chipped tooth, and more. Unfortunately, however, a number of concerns actually go unnoticed or may not appear to be related to your oral health initially, causing them to persist over time and worsen. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will look at the effects chronic teeth grinding has on your smile, including the development of a jaw dysfunction known as TMJ disorder.

Frequent Teeth-Grinding

Chronic teeth-grinding, also known as bruxism, consists of an individual who may bite down hard for an extended period of time, often unable to control the pressure at which they do so or how often it occurs. When a person bites down, they also move their lower mandible from side-to-side, causing significant wear on your teeth’s surfaces. Because this phenomenon occurs out of one’s control, it may not be noticeable until some damage has already been incurred. This can include significantly worn surfaces, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, tension or pain, and more. Additionally, you may experience a weakening in the strength of your teeth, inviting a higher possibility of developing infection and more. If you suspect you may be experiencing bruxism or a similar concern, do not hesitate to act and call our office today to find out how we can help.

Popping or Clicking in the Jaw

One of the more serious concerns that can occur due to bruxism is the development of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. This phenomenon consists of a bite dysfunction affecting your temporomandibular joints, causing one or both of them to become misaligned. Common side effects associated with TMJ disorder include difficulties opening the mouth, moderate to severe pain or aching in the jaw, and a loud or painful licking or popping in the jaw due to your lower mandible attempting to correct the misalignment. If left untreated, this condition can cause significant damage to your joints and the surrounding tissues. To learn more about TMJ disorder and how it may impact your oral health, contact our team today.

Acting Before it is Too Late

While bite misalignment can cause significant damage to both your structures and their function, fortunately, there is something that can be done. With the help of specialized sling therapy to help properly realign your jaw, or even a highly-customizable dental appliance that can prevent damage from occurring to your smile, you can enjoy a healthy function in no time.

Schedule Your Appointment

While jaw aching or dysfunction may not immediately seem like a serious issue, it will continue to worsen and cause damage if not acted on in a timely manner. Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to find out how our team can help by scheduling your visit today.

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