Durable Smile Solutions

For people who require any form of dental prosthetic added to their mouth, the conversation always must consider the durability of any added material. This includes cosmetic enhancement such as a porcelain veneer, or also more invasive surgery such as the placement of a dental implant.

Our goal is to craft a smile solution that is built to withstand the test of time. We also strive to give you the ability to keep a complete oral health regimen at home. So today, your Conroe, TX dentist writes on some of the technology behind porcelain veneers and dental implants, and how they can build a strong dental future for years to come!

A Custom Rejuvenation

For those with many different concerns, porcelain veneers may be a fantastic solution. These ceramic caps provide enamel reinforcement that can cover a wide variety of different problems. This material is about as strong as our natural material, and requires very little in additional maintenance beyond traditional hygiene.

These were first used in 1929, when a Hollywood dentist named Dr. Charles Pincus created a set of special effect teeth for a movie. While this was never intended for permanent use, the durability led to future development. Today, nearly every actor or public speaker you see has had repairs or improvements using this method.

These replacements can last decades if treated well, and can even improve your alignment. Since our skilled ceramicists design each smile specifically for you, adjustments to size and shape can be used to minimize extra concerns within your mouth. So if you are thinking about the procedure, be sure to discuss every part of your smile that you would like to change, as it might all fit together.

The Technological Advantage

One of the most significant medical discoveries of the last century has been the development of dental implants using titanium posts. This metal connects to the body using a process known as osseointegration, where your body protects it as its own. Remarkably, it does not send an immune response!

These provide a great custom fit for patients, as well. From a single-tooth replacement to a full set of implant-supported dentures, there is a great fit for you! Since these are mounted upon the titanium posts, changes can be made to the visible prosthetic while leaving the posts alone. This can save much in the way of trauma in potential replacement.

But these prosthetics are highly durable as well, and can withstand standard daily functions such as chewing and talking. Even the first use of this technology in 1965 stayed in a healthy mouth until her death 40 years later! It is very important to follow all advice your dentist gives you on care, as well.

Call Today!

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the durability of current dental procedures, and how they may help you!


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