Establishing Symmetry With Dental Bonding

It is a common occurrence for people to take pride in their smile appearance. In fact, many individuals share that a youthful and jubilant smile is a symbol of increased confidence and joy. That being said, when a small stain or other noticeable blemish tarnishes your otherwise perfect grin, it can have damaging effects. Sometimes, however, these concerns can develop out of your control. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist examines situations in which people develop a surface-level chip or crack, and how cosmetic treatment such as bonding and contouring can be used to address the concern.

A Variety of Circumstances

Whether you are aware of it or not, your smile undergoes a significant amount of wear and damage over the years. Indeed, nearly everything under the sun can impact your health, and as such, it is necessary to practice an involved preventive routine. Keep in mind, however, that issues such as cracks and chips can occur at any given time due to a number of different reasons. An example of this phenomenon includes physical injury or accident, which is the most common source of these issues.

When you endure a crack or chip, you should treat it as a dental emergency in order to provide the best chances of successful treatment. Indeed, sometimes an accident of great magnitude can lead to a visit to the hospital, whereas others may only require a dental visit to address. In some cases, the damage endured is only on the surface and can be treated with cosmetic care. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, reach out to our office today.

The Impact on Your Appearance

While many people can get by without treatment for surface-level chips or cracks, others may not be as lucky. In fact, these minor blemishes can actually cause your grin to appear misaligned or crooked. Additionally, having a single noticeable discrepancy will stick out like a sore thumb, and as such, lead to a reduced level of confidence. Fortunately, cosmetic treatment such as dental bonding and contouring may be able to help. Give our team a call today to set up your appointment and learn more about the process.

Surface-Level Treatment to Help

When you come in for your bonding and contouring treatment, our team will apply composite material to the affected area, then set to work shaping it to satisfaction. Once this step has been accomplished, we will cure it using a special light, and then you will be on your way! The best part is that we can shade-match the material so as to provide a seamless finish.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the benefits of conservative cosmetic treatment, and schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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