Fluoride and Dental Health

Fluoride is an important mineral that can help to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. It is found in many foods, and over 75% of the country’s municipal water supplies have added fluoride. However, many activist groups claim that fluoride is a health menace, leading to many serious systemic problems. Before you panic about your tap water, take a deep breath. The country’s leading health care experts say that fluoridated water is important to dental health. In fact, in many cases, we could benefit from an even greater exposure to fluoride.

How Fluoride Affects Dental Health

Cavities form when bacteria feed off of sugar to form acid. The acid will begin to strip minerals from your dental enamel, eventually forming a cavity. Fluoride replaces lost minerals and helps to prevent decay. It is especially important for children to ingest fluoride while their teeth are still developing. The mineral can prevent decay from developing in the future. However, adults can also derive great benefits from fluoride, and in some cases, the mineral can reverse existing decay.

The Fluoride Debate

In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first US city to add fluoride to their water supply. The addition came after scientists discovered that people who drank naturally fluoridated water had less dental decay. The country’s overall dental health greatly improved, and incidents of decay dropped by up to 25%. In fact, the CDC called the addition of fluoridated water one of the “Ten Great Public Health Interventions of the 20th Century.”

Nevertheless, some groups believe that fluoride is a national health concern, and the debate has gained ground with the advent of the Internet. These individuals claim that fluoride is responsible for cancer, decreased fertility, lowered IQ’s, increased aging, genetic damage, and many other problems. The groups demand a removal of fluoride from all water sources.

This year, the American Dental Academy® is launching a huge social media campaign regarding the importance of fluoride. The organization recognizes the damage that these vocal anti-fluoride groups are having on the nation’s health consciousness, and they are more determined than ever to raise awareness about fluoride. In fact, although our tap water already contains the mineral, you may benefit from extra fluoride through a wash, rinse, varnish, or gel. You should never treat yourself with fluoride without your dentist’s approval. However, when administered properly, these supplements can have huge benefits for your dental health.

About Your Conroe General Dentist:

The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.

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