How Tobacco Use Impacts Your Smile

It goes without saying that there are a variety of issues and concerns out there that pose a significant threat to your oral health. While you may be aware of common concerns such as gum disease and tooth decay, the truth of the matter is that there are vastly more issues and some you might not even expect. Specifically, you likely know that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, but just how bad is it for your smile? In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist examines the dangers of smoking cigarettes and how it negatively impacts your smile.

More Than Cosmetic Discoloration

As a child, your parents or guardians likely informed you about the need for consistent teeth brushing and oral care at home. While at the time it might have seemed like the end of the world and a mean attempt by your caretakers to make you do something you do not want to do, truthfully, it is a very important process to undertake! You see, excellent oral health and a subsequent gorgeous smile requires consistent care, and the earlier you start, the better off you will be.

Another important factor you likely heard about as a child is that using tobacco products is bad for your health. This is true, and even more so for your smile’s health. You see, the items contained in cigarettes include nicotine among others, which is highly addictive and can lead to smile discoloration. What’s more? These are not your typical stains, and getting rid of them is much easier said than done. To learn more about this process and how it impacts your health, give our team a call.

Weaker Teeth

In addition to obtaining a yellowish-brown hue from tobacco usage, smoking will also cause your teeth to become weaker and more brittle. The harsh chemicals and other contaminants contained in cigarettes effectively weaken your layer of protective enamel and cause the fluoride and calcium in your teeth to deplete. As such, smoking contributes to weaker teeth and an increased chance of developing other diseases, infections, or concerns. Contact our office today to learn more about the dangers of smoking cigarettes and how it impacts your oral health.

Consequences of Tobacco Use

One of the major complications that arises from tobacco use involves the development of oral cancer. Oral cancer is a process in which the cells within your tissues metastasize and continue to grow without ceasing. This can lead to bigger issues as well, including serious infection and even tooth loss. Though our team can provide an oral cancer screening during your next routine checkup, bear in mind that the sooner it is caught, the better your chances of successful treatment will be.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn how you can take strides to provide better care for your smile, and schedule your next visit with our office today.

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