Looking At Options To Address Smile Stains

In order to maintain a healthy smile for years to come, it is important that you not only engage in thorough preventive practices but that you begin care early in childhood. Indeed, there are several factors out there that can negatively influence your smile, and unfortunately, there are not nearly as many natural defenses in place to protect it. For some, however, the biggest threat may not be impending decay or gum infections, but rather surface-level blemishes that tarnish your smile’s appearance. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses options for addressing noticeable smile stains and how our team can help.

How Your Smile Loses Its Shine

Whether you are aware of it or not, virtually everything that comes into contact with your smile has the potential to influence it in some type of way. Though the majority of these factors cause negative effects, some exist that can actually benefit your grin. Still, nothing is more disheartening than putting in all of the effort to keep your smile healthy just for a surface-level blemish to throw a wrench in things.

Believe it or not, age in and of itself is a contributing factor to a less-than-stellar smile. Over the years, your teeth begin to appear duller and lose their natural shine. Troubles do not cease there, however, as the foods and beverages you consume can also cause stains to develop.

Another complication that can lead to a dull appearance includes the use of tobacco products or excessive alcohol consumption, which can lead to a yellow or brownish hue. With all of these factors in mind, there is no wonder that many adults can benefit from cosmetic dental treatment. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Benefits of In-Office Care

There are a few different options for cosmetic care that you can pursue depending on your needs, but none are better suited to address staining and discoloration than that of teeth whitening.

During your appointment with our team, we will take care to apply a layer of strong but safe bleaching gel to the surfaces of your teeth. We will then activate the material using a special light, and it will set to work breaking apart and lifting difficult stains. The treatment only requires a single visit, and it will not be long before you notice a difference of up to several shades brighter.

Try Our Take-Home Trays

In addition to in-office treatment, our team offers custom take-home trays to brighten your smile at your own convenience. We simply take your measurements to create your trays, then you are on your way to enhancing your grin from the comfort of your own home.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the options for and benefits of cosmetic teeth whitening.

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