Preparing Your Smile For Dental Implants

By now you are familiar with the process of visiting the dentist for a routine checkup or cleaning. Indeed, this preventive dental visit is of great importance, as it not only provides an in-depth look into how your smile is doing, but it allows our team to prevent minor issues from developing into major concerns. Even still, sometimes treatment is sought too late and the next best step is to pursue extraction. For cases such as these, a dental implant can be of use. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at complications to receiving implants and how you might require additional treatment beforehand.

Why You Must Act Promptly

It goes without saying that nobody’s first choice is to lose a permanent tooth to some major dental concern, and restorative implants are sometimes far from an individual’s mind in terms of the next best move. Indeed, the sudden loss of a permanent structure can lead to a number of major complications if treatment is not sought in a timely manner, and we encourage you to give our team a call as soon as possible.

You see, oral bacteria can settle into the now-exposed gum pockets. This allows these microorganisms to thrive relatively safe from harm, while also causing damage to your sensitive tissues. Before you know it, you are facing the threat of major infections such as gum disease and more.

In addition to increased chances of infection, your jaw structure becomes at risk of degradation due to the lack of stimulation to keep it strong. In order to avoid this rapid deterioration, however, you must act immediately. Give our team a call today to learn more about your options.

Seeking Additional Treatment

If a patient has waited too long between losing a tooth and receiving restorative implant surgery, he or she runs the risk of experiencing bone degradation. When this occurs, there is not enough structure to adequately support an implant post. If one were to be used at this stage, it would likely fail.

Prior to receiving your implant surgery, our team can help you receive bone grafting treatment. This procedure involves restoring your jaw structure so as to support an implant post in the future.

How Our Team Can Help

Our top priority is your oral health, and we will do everything we can to ensure your best options. Though time and age can impact your smile’s strength and health, we can help you acquire care that restores your oral structure so as to support your new tooth.

Learn More Today

To learn more about pre-operation treatment, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to speak to a member of our staff today.

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