Ready For A Bridge?

Are you thinking that you are finally ready for a dental bridge to replace the teeth you have lost? Fortunately, bridges offer a wealth of advantages to patients seeking a way to address tooth loss. However, it is important that you become familiar with whether or not a bridge is suited to the particular preferences you have for your smile. Take a moment to go over a couple important factors as you lock in your final decision regarding your tooth replacement of choice.

You Want A Long-Term, Fixed Prosthetic

If you have been putting in some time researching your options, you know that a dental bridge is “fixed” or remains permanently in place until we remove it or replace it for you. As a result, you can eat, drink, brush your teeth, laugh, talk, and sing without worrying about taking a device out of your mouth or placing it back into your smile. You will be happy to note that a dental bridge may last up to 10 years or even longer.

You Are Missing Up To Three Teeth

It’s important to understand the nature of a dental bridge. Like the name suggests, it is a single device that connects one portion of remaining teeth to the other portion – between these teeth lies a single open space (until we fill it with the artificial teeth in your bridge). This opening may include a missing tooth, two missing teeth, or three missing teeth, all of which must rest side-by-side. This allows us to “bridge your gap.” Otherwise, we may suggest implants or a partial denture for teeth spread out from one another.

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