Replacing Multiple Adjacent Teeth With A Bridge

By now you are probably aware that your preventive care routine plays a significant role in the strength and durability of your smile. What’s more, a quality routine is a bit more involved than just ensuring you brush your teeth, and actually takes into account a number of other factors. In some cases, however, accidents occur or dental hygiene is not paid the attention it is needed, and thus results in structural and functional damage such as decay or infection. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will take a look at times when decay results in losing multiple teeth, and how our team can help with the use of a dental bridge.

Increased Chances of Losing More

Decay – caused by harmful bacteria wreaking havoc on your grin – can become a major concern if it is not properly treated or looked after. It begins as a minor cavity, but with time it will spread into the inner workings of a tooth and infect the roots and nerves. If allowed to progress past this point, it eventually compromises your entire structure, leaving no other option but extraction. While you may believe that is the worst it can get, it is really only half of the battle. In fact, the diseased tooth may be gone but the disease itself may still remain, which is why once you lost one structure in this manner, the adjacent ones are sure to follow soon. In order to best avoid this, our team recommends attending routine visits and seeking help as soon as possible. Unlike a stomach ache, decay will not get better with time.

A Restoration to Address that Gap

When more than one tooth is no longer present, it would result in more heal time and extensive procedure to replace each one with its own individual implant. Instead, your dentist may recommend the use of a dental bridge to bridge the gap between your teeth. A bridge consists of two or more hand-crafted crowns secured to one another that are then placed to span the gap. They can be secured either by implant dentistry, or simply by dental cement. For more information about the process, contact our team.

Customization with Lifelike Material

A major benefit of advanced technology when it comes to your restoration is the ability to make it as lifelike as possible. In fact, we utilize a material that closely mimics the exact shape and texture of your teeth, and can even be colored to precisely match your grin’s hue. In other words, you will not only be able to enjoy a restored function, but a restored appearance as well.

Learn More Today

For more information about restorative dentistry or to schedule your appointment with our team, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more today.

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