Restoring Function With a Dental Implant

Adult tooth loss is a phenomenon that affects more people than one might think, as age coupled with a number of outside factors contribute to the state of your smile. Indeed, you may be one of the fortunate individuals that can enjoy a lifelong grin, or you may be one of the many who require extensive treatment to prevent the loss of one or multiple teeth. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will take a look at the beginning stages of tooth loss and what you can do on your part to restore your overall function.

Cosmetic Benefits

Just as most individuals do not want to endure a stain on their shirt or a broken limb due to unwanted attention, a single lost tooth can draw attention in a similar way. Indeed, most individuals would prefer to avoid structural loss if they can avoid it, but for others, it may not be so easy. If you find yourself in a similar position, you may want to come in to our office to learn what your options are and how our team can help complete your grin and allow you to enjoy to benefits of a full and vibrant appearance.

One of the well-received benefits of dental implant restorations is their ability to provide a lifelike finish. Utilizing advanced dental technology and shade-match technology, our team can create a crown that not only mimics the natural texture and shape of your teeth, but the exact hue of your grin as well in order to provide the most realistic solution. For more information about this process, contact our team today.

Functional Improvement

In addition to the cosmetic benefits of restorative dentistry, your custom implant actively improves oral function as well. For instance, as few as one missing tooth can cause problems with biting, chewing, and eating overall, as well as difficulties enunciating. What’s more, a gap in your grin will cause your bite to become uneven in order to accommodate it, causing significant strain and discomfort over time.

Structural Support

While it is notably that functional difficulties will become your biggest concern over time, it is important to consider the reason behind the functional difficulties and how it plays a role with your structural support. You see, your crown functions to help you eat and bite properly, but without your root to stabilize the structure, your crown would not be able to properly absorb the pressure of your bite. To remedy this, a dental implant post is strategically placed in order to function as an artificial root, and thus restores your bite.

Learn More

For more information about the importance of tooth replacement, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your appointment today.

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