Seeking Solutions For Functional Complications

When it comes down to it, nobody’s first choice would be to have a tooth removed. Indeed, we aim to maintain a healthy and happy smile for the rest of our lives, and barring situations such as wisdom tooth extraction, losing a permanent structure is often not in the cards. Still, however, that does not mean that this concern does not happen, and many times removal may be the only viable option you have when your oral health is in question. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses the importance of having missing teeth replaced in the context of your oral function, as well as details how dental implants can help.

Why You Should Replace Lost Teeth

Whether you are aware of it or not, each of your teeth serves a vital and important role. To begin, your teeth help you perform routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and helping you eat. But how exactly do they manage this? The answer lies in the connection your teeth have with your jaw.

You see, each tooth is comprised of a crown and the roots. The crown aids in functional processes whereas your roots help create a secure connection with your jawbone and tissue, thus stabilizing your crowns. In other words, the connection between your roots and jawbone helps your crowns properly support the pressure of your bite.

When so much as a single tooth is missing, this process becomes compromised or complicated. Your other structures must accommodate for the missing one, causing strain and tension to build. Fortunately, our team has solutions that can address these concerns in a simple and lifelike manner. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

How Implants Address Functional Concerns

In order to both complete your smile once more and address these issues of oral function, your dentist might recommend the help of a dental implant. A biocompatible implant post aims to function in a manner similar to that of a tooth root, meaning its intended goal is to stabilize the artificial crown that is placed on top of it and help absorb a necessary amount of bite pressure.

Unlike traditional replacement teeth, implants are embedded into the jaw to provide the ultimate in terms of oral function. Contact our team to learn more about your options today.

Providing Structural Support

In addition to functional benefits, dental implants can also provide structural support and stimulate the jawbone. The biggest concern that arises when a permanent tooth is no longer there is that the bone is no longer able to be stimulated. This results in degradation, making future implant treatment less likely to occur.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the many benefits of dental implants, and contact our team today to schedule your next visit to our office.

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