Things You Don’t Realize Are Making Decay More Likely

There are some things you already realize about tooth decay. For instance, you know that if you’re eating tons of candy throughout the day, you’re more likely to develop cavities. You know that if you’re skipping brushing sessions, decay has a greater chance of affecting you. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a full understanding of what’s going on with your oral health and the specific things you’re doing that make decay a more likely problem for you. Let our Conroe, TX team point out details that will offer the enlightenment you need in order to better protect your dental tissues from damage!

You’re Not Cleaning Your Smile After That Candy

If you’re not cleaning your smile off in some way after you indulge in sugar, then you are most definitely increasing your chance of ending up with tooth decay. We remind patients that it’s not so much about how much candy you’re eating or how frequently. Instead, it’s all about how long you allow your teeth and gums to remain in contact with sugars. If you rinse your mouth with water, chew sugarless gum, brush your teeth, etc., and keep sugars off of your teeth once you’re through eating, then you’re more likely to prevent decay.

You’re Missing Out On The “Consistency Is Key” Detail

We know that you may assume you can “make up” for lost time if you aren’t very consistent with your preventive care at home. You might figure that even though you avoid brushing for several days, as long as you’re really on track for a couple days after that, that you can remove buildup. This isn’t how prevention works. It’s the consistency that is key! A significant amount of damage can begin within just a very brief amount of time!

You’re Forgetting That Professional Cleanings Are A Big Deal

You may not realize that in addition to the preventive care you’re experiencing at home, time spent with us is just as important in preventing tooth decay. Sure, you may be amazing with removing sugars and keeping your smile clean. However, if you’re not getting professional cleanings, you have tartar left on teeth that can lead to cavities. See us! It’s worth the effort.

See Our Team For Better Smile Protection

To protect yourself against cavities and other oral health issues, remember that seeing us for visits will provide you with essential dental services, as well as any advice you may need in order to practice optimal prevention. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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