Tiny Grins Can Benefit From Checkups

Maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile is a much more involved process than many may think, and realistically, doing so requires a lifelong commitment. Indeed, there are what seem to be countless threats and concerns that negatively impact our oral health, which means that we must be proactive and take the steps necessary to protect it at all costs. This also means starting at a very young age. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses the importance of getting children excited about their smiles and how their development benefits significantly from dental checkups.

Monitoring Healthy Development

One of the major roles that checkups play involves monitoring a grin’s healthy development. To better assess this growth, the sooner your child comes in for their first visit, the better. In fact, we recommend bringing your little one in either at the sight of their first tooth or by the time their first birthday rolls around. This initial visit is simply to help familiarize your child with the dental environment and our team so that when treatment begins down the line, he or she will feel a bit more at ease.

By about the age of three, our team will begin seeing your little one regularly for checkups and cleanings. This will involve attending official checkup visits once every six months in order to afford our team the ability to properly monitor growth while also ensuring that any minor concerns that develop are handled in a timely manner to prevent them from becoming major. For more information about this process, contact our team.

Removing Dangerous Threats

Following every exam is a gentle cleaning, which consists of gently but thoroughly removing deposits of plaque or tartar that may have developed in your child’s grin. You see, plaque develops as the day goes on, creating a sticky or fuzzy feeling on the surfaces of teeth. Without proper care and removal, these buildups can calcify and become much more difficult to remove down the line. To prevent this from occurring, our team can carefully but thoroughly remove any plaque or tartar that may have developed, as well as polish the teeth to make future bacterial attachment more difficult.

Additional Treatment Adds Strength

In addition to your child’s checkup and cleaning, our team may be able to provide additional treatment if necessary. After all, tiny grins may need an added boost of strength every once in a while. During your next visit, our team can provide either a dental sealant to protect from bacteria or fluoride treatment to strengthen protection.

Schedule Your Appointment

Ask your dentist about the additional treatment they recommend during your child’s next dental visit, or contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your appointment today.

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