Treatment Addressing Noticeable Cracks

Feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin means so much more than looking great. It is about feeling great, which can range drastically depending on your unique needs and situation. For instance, confidence and comfort can come from taking care of your skin, seeking a much-needed massage, and in the case of dentistry, receiving cosmetic treatment that addresses surface-level chips and cracks. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the bonding and contouring process and discusses what you can expect from in-office treatment.

A Cosmetic Issue

When it comes down to it, there is nothing more important to prioritize for your smile than its health status. After all, you could have a blemish-free grin in its entirety, but suffer from gum disease and other infections that will inevitably cost you your perfect smile. With this in mind, it is important to prioritize your oral health and do what you can to ensure it is at peak health.

Still, you may be doing everything in your power to stay on top of regular dental prevention, and the biggest concern on your plate involves a noticeable chip or crack. In situations such as these, there is nothing wrong with pursuing cosmetic treatment, and our team is more than happy to help.

Cosmetic dentistry is considered to be any treatment that aims to address surface-level issues in a noninvasive and efficient manner. For instance, addressing stains with whitening is a cosmetic treatment many pursue. In the case of chips and cracks, however, one of the best options out there involves dental bonding and contouring. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us call today.

Understanding the Process

When you come in for your bonding and contouring treatment, our team will begin with a thorough assessment of your needs. From here, we will apply a composite resin material to the affected area, and set to work shaping the material to satisfaction. Once this step has been completed, we will utilize a special light to cure the resin, and then your treatment will be complete! Contact our office to learn more about the treatment process and how you can get started today.

Providing Lifelike Results

Finally, and most importantly, bonding and contouring can be completed in a simple and lifelike manner. For instance, the composite resin material that is used is shade-matched to the natural hue of your grin so as to provide a virtually seamless finish. What’s more? Treatment can be completed in a single visit, meaning it is virtually no time before you are able to enjoy your now perfect smile.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn how your smile can benefit from cosmetic treatment such as bonding and contouring.

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