What Dental Implants Could Mean for Your Smile

When it comes to restoring your smile, what constitutes the “best” solution isn’t always the same as it is for other patients who experience similar concerns. That’s because everyone’s oral health is unique, and as such, even similar oral health issues can affect everyone’s teeth, gums, and oral tissues differently. However, when it comes to restoring a tooth that’s lost one or more teeth, dental implants are often the best solution for a large percentage of tooth loss patients. This is due to the universal consequences that stem from losing a tooth, and especially, its natural root.

They’re the epitome of biocompatible

The point of most restorative dental treatments is to mimic your healthy, natural tooth structure as closely as possible. Whether it’s restoring a tooth from structural damage, treating a cavity, or replacing an entire tooth, the restoration should closely resemble natural, healthy tooth structure in both appearance and durability. For dental implants, biocompatibility has an even more profound meaning; once a dental implant post is placed, the bone structure surrounding it heals to its surface. This mimics the way your jawbone structure supports and sustains your natural teeth roots, replicating the system to offer a similar level of support for your replacement tooth or teeth.

They’re appropriate for most tooth loss patients

For a dental implant-supported restoration to fully restore your smile, the restoration itself must be custom-designed to match the size, shape, color, and appearance of your healthy, natural teeth. However, the good news is that many people who’ve experienced tooth loss are good candidates to receive one or more dental implants to support their custom restoration. Not only are dental implants highly biocompatible, but they’re also created and placed individually, making them appropriate for tooth loss of all severities. Depending on how many teeth you’ve lost, one or more implants can support a custom dental crown, bridge, or denture to successfully restore your smile.

They reestablish more of your bite’s function

As the only option for replacing the roots of lost teeth, dental implants provide a significant number of benefits for your restoration. One of these include the improved function of your restoration and overall bite, which benefits from the significantly enhanced stability the dental implants provide. With root-like posts to anchor it in place, your restoration can more closely reestablish the full function of your teeth and bite, and it won’t grow loose and begin to shift over time.

Learn if dental implants are best for your smile

With their unique abilities to restore the roots of your lost or extracted teeth, dental implants are often best for rebuilding smiles affected by tooth loss. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling the Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, today at (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and all neighboring communities.

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