What Implants Do that Other Dental Prostheses Can’t

Every smile is unique, and if you happen to lose one or more teeth, then how you replace them will depend on your specific needs and preferences. For most patients, though, dental implants offer a number of advantages that can’t be matched by other, more traditional dental prostheses.

Even if you’ve already replaced your lost tooth or teeth with a dental bridge, partial, or complete denture, you might still be able to enjoy the benefits of dental implants. To find out, schedule a consultation as soon as possible by calling The Dental Centre of Conroe today at (936) 441-4600.

How Implants Work

Dental implants are not completely different from conventional replacement teeth. On the contrary, they’re simply meant to improve the traditional designs of contemporary crowns, bridges, and dentures. Small, root-like posts made from biocompatible titanium are inserted into the jawbone, which then fuses to the posts to hold them securely in place. Then, the posts can be utilized to support a replacement crown, bridge, partial denture, or complete denture with the same stability as the roots that support your natural, healthy teeth.

Feel the Difference Immediately

Unlike implants, conventional replacement teeth rely on hidden clasps, the support of neighboring natural teeth, or the natural shape of your dental ridge to stay in place. With the addition of one or more implant posts, however, your replacement teeth will more closely mimic your natural teeth, including the ability to stand strong without additional supportive apparatus. Your jawbone will hold your implant post(s) as steadily as it sustains your teeth roots, and you will immediately feel the difference in how implants feel, look, and function.

The Long-Term Benefits of Dental Implants

With dental implants, you can enjoy the foods you used to, smile as brilliantly as you once did, and feel the same confidence as your healthy, natural, beautiful smile once granted you. Yet, the benefits of dental implants don’t stop at your smile. By replacing lost teeth roots, implants are able to reestablish the stimulation that those roots used to provide to your jawbone. This stimulation is vital to allowing your jawbone to receive enough minerals and nutrients to support itself and your teeth.

Following tooth loss, the absence of the roots can lead to jawbone degradation due to reduced stimulation, and as a result, you may be at an increased risk of further tooth loss in the future. By restoring the stimulation with one or more dental implants, you can preserve your jawbone’s integrity and the rest of your oral health for much longer.

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