What To know About Cosmetic Treatment

Losing a permanent tooth is enough to trouble the average person, let alone losing several or all teeth. While we do not like to think about these phenomena, they do occur to more individuals than you might have initially thought, and it is always important to pay mind to your at home preventive dental routine. For many, however, the concern may not be an infection-related concern, but one that only attacks your grin on the surface. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explores the many benefits of cosmetic dentistry and discusses how your grin could use a boost, as well as how we help.

Used to Treat Various Surface Concerns

It goes without saying that, among the various or health threats your grin must go up against daily, tooth decay is the most common. This does not mean that it is the only concern you face, however, as millions of patients every year endures some form of damaging dental emergency or surface-level blemish.

Indeed, emergencies should be handled with efficiency and diligence. In the case of surface-level concerns, however, what exactly are your options? Fortunately, this is where cosmetic dentistry comes in to help!

Cosmetic dentistry consists of any treatment that aims to address surface-level damage or blemishes to your smile’s appearance. This can mean treating a minor chip or crack, gaps in-between teeth, and most commonly, difficult stains that are no match for regular brushing alone. To learn more about this process and if you qualify for cosmetic care, give our office a call today.

It Usually Only Takes a Visit or Two

To treat a variety of concerns, our practice utilizes three primary treatment options. These consist of dental whitening, bonding and contouring, and porcelain veneers. Whitening is excellent for an array of stains, whereas bonding and contouring is better suited to address cracks and chips in a virtually unnoticeable manner. If your grin is riddled with various blemishes, porcelain veneers offer simple, overall coverage.

In addition to treating multiple issues, a second major benefit of cosmetic dentistry includes how simple it is to perform. As a matter of fact, most treatments only require a single visit, and the rest can be completed in two! For more information about your options, give us a call.

Build Your Confidence with a Brighter Grin

While your oral health is the top priority to consider when seeking dental care, that does not mean that you should not love the smile you are in. Our office offers customized cosmetic care, and we are ready to help you address various noticeable discrepancies with simple, straightforward care.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the major benefits of cosmetic dentistry, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 and schedule your next appointment with our office today.

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