More than Just Appearance
While losing a tooth immediately fuels cosmetic concerns for many individuals, it is important to recognize that the issues stem much deeper than that. As a matter of fact, as little as one missing tooth can significantly impact your oral function as well.
You see, the components of your oral cavity – teeth, gums, roots, tongue, lips, cheeks, and throat – work together in specific ways to make day-to-day function happen. Take, for example, the concepts of biting, chewing, and eating. These are made possible by the relationship shared between your teeth, jawbone, and gums.
Your roots create a secure connection with your jawbone that allows the crowns of your teeth to absorb the pressure of your bite without falter. In turn, the roots help stimulate the jawbone and keep it strong. Your gums provide extra cushion and protection for your teeth so as to make this process more efficient.
With this in mind, losing even one tooth can significantly compromise your entire bite’s function. To learn more about this process, reach out to our team today.
Jawbone Benefits
In addition to improving function, having a missing structure replaced with a dental implant benefits your structural integrity as well. You see, a root is the only factor that stimulates the jawbone. This means that once one is no longer present, there is nothing helping to keep your structure strong.
Not only does a missing tooth leads to structural degradation, but it makes seeking treatment down the line difficult, as there will likely not be enough structure left to support implants. Because of this, your dentist recommends seeking treatment sooner rather than later.
Higher Precision
Dental implants and restorations can be strategically placed in a manner that optimizes your function. What’s more? Advances in dental technology make it possible to provide a lifelike finish and realistic results when it comes to your custom artificial tooth. This higher precision and quality placement make it possible to maintain a healthy smile for life.
Learn More Today
Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the benefits of dental implants, and schedule your appointment with our team today.