Why You May Need To Consider Extraction

The last thing on anyone’s mind is tooth loss or removal, as it only occurs to those who do not practice any form of preventive care. At least, that is what patients have come to conclude. The truth of the matter is, however, that tooth loss is more common than you think and just brushing once a day alone is not enough to keep your smile bright and healthy. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explores common causes of structural loss and extraction, as well as how you can seek treatment that restores your function.

Past the Point of No Return

It goes without saying that the last thing you – or your dentist, for that matter – want is for you to lose a permanent tooth. After all, once they are gone, they will not come back. Though many fear this outcome due to having a noticeable gap present in their appearance, the truth of the matter is that losing one or more teeth actually impacts you in far worse ways than just appearance.

Indeed, the most common form of oral health threat is often tooth decay. When a person experiences this phenomenon, what occurs is oral bacteria secrete a damaging acid that wears down your healthy layer of dental enamel. This exposes your natural teeth, which then succumb to infection. Without proper care, the situation will continue to progress and worsen until your tooth is completely lost.

Losing a natural structure is a significant concern, and as such, you must seek treatment sooner rather than later to address it. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Function Will Become More Difficult

In addition to reaching a point of no return, oral function will become extremely difficult with compromised teeth. For example, you could experience sharp pains when you feel any sort of pressure on that specific structure, making daily practices such as biting, chewing, and eating more of a chore than it should be.

Further, infected teeth can cause sensitivity to extremes in temperature, such as hot or cold. If you or anyone you know is currently experiencing this phenomenon, reach out to our team today to schedule your appointment.

Custom Care

Just because a tooth may need to come out, that does not mean all hope is lost. Implant dentistry utilizes high-quality biocompatible posts and custom treatment to not only restore your oral function to the level it was at prior to your infection but to do so in a lifelike manner. Ask your dentist about dental implants the next time you visit.

Learn More Today

For more information about the benefits of implant dentistry, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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