You May Need An Extraction If…

One of the last things patients like hearing is that they need tooth removal. However, if you know why we suggest dental extractions, you will not bat an eye at this recommendation. Why? Well, for starters, we only make this conservative decision when other restorative services can no longer make the necessary repair. Beyond its usual status as a last resort, an extraction is both the key to protecting your overall oral health as well as a means of creating a solid foundation for future work. Learn more about some common reasons you may need a tooth removed to gain a clearer perspective.

If Your Tooth Suffers Severe Damage

When we see a patient whose tooth is significantly damaged, our first response is always to cover the tooth with a dental crown. However, sometimes injury is too severe for even a crown. In this case, we may remove the tooth and then suggest a suitable replacement.

If Root Canal Treatment Fails

When infection takes hold of your tooth, we strive to remove the infected pulp with root canal therapy to save the tooth. However, if the treatment fails or if the infection is too severe, a dental extraction is essential for protecting your smile and your overall health.

If Your Wisdom Tooth Is A Problem

Wisdom teeth can develop in a healthy manner – or they can threaten your oral health. If you suffer from an impacted or improperly erupting tooth, we may suggest a dental extraction to protect your comfort and health.

If You Need Additional Space

Do you need orthodontic care for overcrowding? If so, the first step in your treatment plan may include dental extractions to create sufficient space to align your teeth.

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