Your Questions About One-Visit Dental Crowns

If you have broken a tooth or suffer from some other issue that means you need substantial tooth coverage and support, you likely need a crown. You are also probably assuming it will be a long road ahead, dealing with messy impressions, a temporary crown, and a long wait for your permanent crown. Lucky for you, we offer CEREC one-visit dental crowns for immediate treatment. If this sounds too good to be true, which is something we often hear from patients, it is time you learn more about the details. The more you know, the more confident you will feel about taking advantage of this time-saving restorative option.

Is A One-Visit Crown Like Other Crowns?

Yes and no. All dental crowns are hollow, artificial teeth that we will place over the affected tooth. It will provide you with excellent support and coverage, protecting your tooth from future damage, while allowing you to regain your full function and daily comfort. What is different, however, is the approach and the time it takes to complete the treatment.

What Are the Crowns Made Of?

The CEREC machine will mill your one-visit dental crown out of a solid block of ceramic. This material is slightly translucent and looks extremely similar to your natural tooth tissue. You can expect a beautiful finished product. Rest assured, we will also match the color of your crown to the rest of the teeth in your smile for a wonderful match.

How Does It Work?

We use advanced CEREC technology to first take digital impressions of your teeth for a no-mess, efficient experience. Once uploaded into the CEREC machine, we can use special software to craft a crown that fits the dimensions of your mouth. The machine will then create your porcelain crown for you, which we will place over your prepared tooth for a permanent fit. After making any slight changes to promote a comfortable bite, you will have received your crown within a single visit.


The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.

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