Your Root Canal: The Do-And-Don’t List

If you come in to see our Conroe, TX team and we determine that you need root canal therapy, it’s because it’s the most effective option we can provide you to save your tooth. It means other restorative treatments just aren’t intensive enough to work but it also means that you’re potentially just one step away from the next possible means of treatment: An extraction! So, since preserving your natural teeth and quickly getting your oral health back into lovely condition is always our goal, we would like to make sure you follow through, see us, and feel good about your decision. We can help make that a reality with a do-and-don’t list!

Do: Schedule It Right Away

If we recommend root canal therapy, you might really want to wait a year or several because it’s not necessarily the most exciting thing on your list of possible ways to spend your time. However, we strongly suggest you consider setting up your treatment as soon as you can. That’s because when you ignore an infection and its ever-progressing intensity, you’re putting your smile at risk of much more serious damage. Treat the infection or injury now, so you can keep your tooth and protect the tissues that surround it.

Don’t: Try To Find Alternative Options

It’s quite a common urge to hop online to see if, perhaps, there is some alternative route to addressing a tooth infection or damaged dental pulp. However, we are the first to tell you that there are not any alternatives that can successfully and safely save your oral health! Instead, you need a root canal very soon for a complete return to a healthy smile.

Do: Ask Us All Of Your Questions

We know that you may feel resistant to root canal therapy for a variety of reasons or that you may simply want to know more. We want you to feel informed! So, call us! Come in. Ask us all of your questions, whether you wonder how it will feel (you’ll be numb!) or you are curious about how it all works. We will always be pleased to offer a thorough education.

Don’t: Worry About Myths You Have Heard

Need some reassurance? Again, just let us know. Remember that myths you have heard are probably all false. For instance, you may hear that root canals hurt … but we offer dental sedation, topical anesthetic, and compassion, so your treatment will be comfortable and relaxing!

Receive Your Root Canal ASAP

Don’t drag your feet on scheduling your root canal therapy! Ask us every question you have instead and set up your visit soon, so you can quickly and successfully restore your oral health without complication! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.

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