A Tooth Replacement Built to Last

If you’ve suffered tooth loss before, you know what a difficult experience it can be. You may have had a tooth knocked out, a tooth destroyed by infection, or a tooth extracted because of the health risk it poses. In all of these cases, you’re left with at least one missing tooth. Missing teeth can disrupt your smile and your bite. There are both cosmetic and functional reasons to replace your missing tooth. When you choose a tooth replacement, you want to make sure that it’s built to last. Dental implants are sturdy and durable — perfect for securing your long-term oral health.

A Dental Implant Differs From Other Forms of Tooth Replacement

You actually have a few different prosthetic options after you suffer tooth loss. Different options may be better suited to you based on the extent of your tooth loss, your oral health, and your financial situation. If you are simply looking for the best way to replace a single tooth, however, it’s a dental implant. Dental implants differ from other dental prosthetics because they are surgically set into your jawbone. This replicates the root structure that your natural teeth have. That root structure is what allows you to chew comfortably, and it keeps your teeth in alignment.

Dental Implants Are Built to Last Because They Incorporate Into Your Bite

A dental bridge can be useful for replacing a sequence of missing teeth. Unlike a dental implant though, a bridge relies on your other teeth for support. Dental crowns on either end of the bridge will sit atop healthy teeth and hold the prosthetic in place. Dental implants are free-standing. A titanium artificial root will be placed in your jaw bone, and after it heals, the artificial root will be as strong and sturdy as a natural tooth. The stability of your implant won’t be dependent on the other teeth in your mouth.

Dental Implants Are Topped with Dental Crowns

Of course, the titanium root structure doesn’t do you much good without a way to use it. Dental crowns are lifelike restorations that are used to protect damaged teeth. Additionally, the crowns can be set on top of dental implants to recreate the chewing surface of a natural tooth, as well as the appearance. The ceramics used for dental crowns reflect light just like a natural tooth, and the shade of the crown can be matched to your surrounding teeth. Your dentist will be able to determine if a dental implant is right for you.

Dental Implants Through the Dental Centre of Conroe

When you recover from tooth loss, you want that recovery to last. Dental implants are the best way to make sure that happens. At The Dental Centre of Conroe, we will evaluate your tooth loss case and determine whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants. It all starts with an initial consultation. Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX about tooth replacement options by calling our dental office at 936-441-4600.

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