Dental Implants: A Lasting Solution

If you want to face the new year with a new smile, but are wondering about your options for tooth replacement, dental implants may be the solution for you. If you have a healthy jaw and healthy gums, but are missing one or more teeth, you could qualify for implants. At the Dental Centre of Conroe, TX, Dr. Richards is prepared to consult with you about your goals and your best options for restorative dentistry.

What Are Dental Implants?

If you have lost one or more teeth, Dr. Richards may suggest dental implants. This term refers to titanium posts which are embedded into your jaw to replace the roots of the teeth you have lost. This process doesn’t have to be time-consuming, as advanced technology often allows us to place and restore implants in just one visit! The posts then fuse with your jawbone, becoming a permanent part of your mouth, which benefits its structure by preventing your remaining teeth from shifting and becoming crooked. Since the posts become attached to the jawbone, they encourage your jaw to remain healthy and strong, and create a stable base for the restorations that will be added on top. Even if a restoration breaks or needs repair, the integrity of your jaw and your new titanium roots will remain. In this way, implants offer a lasting solution to your smile concerns.

What Are My Restoration Options?

At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we proudly offer several options for tooth replacement based on your individual needs. If you need a single tooth replacement, Dr. Richards may recommend a lifelike dental crown, which, with CEREC advanced technology, can be made in-office in a single visit. If you are missing more than one tooth, an implant-retained dental bridge may be a good solution. If you are missing several or all of your teeth, you may be a good candidate for implant-retained partial or full dentures. If this is the case, you will be able to choose between removable dentures that snap on and off of your implant posts, or dentures that would be screwed into place.

Caring for Your New Smile

Since implants mimic your natural teeth all the way down to the roots, caring for them is the same as caring for your natural teeth! This means you can eat all of your favorite foods and speak articulately again for little to no added time in your daily schedule. Although implants can’t get cavities, without proper care, the gums around them can be susceptible to gum disease. So, as with natural teeth, it is important to brush twice and floss once daily, as well as attend as many yearly appointments as Dr. Richards suggests.

Ready to Find Out More?

Dr. Richards is committed to finding the best options to help you regain the confidence of a full, healthy smile. To learn more about dental implants, or if you have questions about other restorative options, schedule a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, TX, and the neighboring communities.

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