How Veneers Can Help You Meet Your Smile Goals

If you’re worried about teeth stains, chips, or gaps in your smile this new year, the Dental Centre of Conroe has you covered- literally! Some stains are too dark or difficult to remove through whitening treatments alone, and you might be worried that you’ll need several kinds of treatments to achieve your smile goals, but you don’t need to despair. Your Conroe, TX, dentist offers the perfect solution for your smile, and, in today’s blog, Dr. Richards will answer any questions you might have to find out if porcelain veneers are the right cosmetic treatment for you.

Questions and Answers

Question: What are porcelain veneers?

Answer: Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are custom-made from porcelain to fit directly over your natural teeth. They have a translucent finish, making them closely mimic natural teeth.

Question: What issues can they solve?

Answer: Veneers can be used to solve several cosmetic issues that you may be having with your smile, including:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the length of your teeth. They can add length to certain (or all) teeth to create a uniform look.
  2. Dissatisfaction with the shape of your teeth. They can smooth out rough edges and cover chips, gaps, and cracks, creating teeth that have the consistent look you desire.
  3. Concerns about whiteness. If you have tried whitening treatments before to no avail, if your dentist suggests veneers due to the types and depths of stains on your teeth, or if you do not wish to try bleaching treatments, veneers will cover the stains completely and will be color-matched to the shade you prefer for your smile.

Question: How long does the procedure take?

Answer: It takes only two appointments! At your first appointment, Dr. Richards will consult with you and conduct an examination of your teeth to ensure that you are a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Then, he will take impressions of your top and bottom teeth and send the impressions to a lab so that they can create your custom shells. Once they have been crafted and are sent back to our office, you will come in for a second appointment at which your veneers will be permanently adhered to your teeth, and you’ll be done!

Question: How long will my new smile last?

Answer: Veneers are cared for in the same way as your natural teeth due to the bonding process used to adhere them- you will only need to avoid using highly abrasive toothpastes. They are almost as strong and durable as your natural teeth, so, since you can care for them normally, they will last for several years.

Ready for the Smile of Your Dreams?

At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we want to help you get the smile of your dreams while keeping you smiling throughout the process. If you think that porcelain veneers might be right for you, or to find out about our other cosmetic procedures, schedule a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, TX, and the neighboring communities.

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