Worry-Free Dental Fillings

Getting a filling may not sound like the most fun dental procedure, but, if you have cavities, it is imperative that you take care of them and get them filled as soon as possible to avoid needing more intense restorative care, such as a crown or tooth extraction, further down the line. At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we recognize that even just going to the dentist can be nerve-wracking, but we believe it doesn’t have to be. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will answer your questions about fillings to put you at ease should the need arise.

Questions and Answers

Question: Why do people need fillings?

Answer: We need fillings as a defense against tooth decay and cavities. When the bacteria that live in plaque feed on sugars and create acid, it causes our teeth to erode and decay. This decay leaves empty spots in your teeth, cavities, and will continue to spread if not stopped.

Question: How do fillings stop decay?

Answer: When you come to the dentist to get a cavity filled, your dentist will first clean out the affected area of the tooth, making sure there are no traces of infection left so that the decay cannot spread any further. But, it would be easy for food and sticky beverages to then stick to the newly-exposed crevices of your tooth and, if that happens, it would be very difficult to clean those areas, leaving your tooth more likely to begin decaying again due to the lack of hygiene it would receive. So, the space is filled to prevent food from entering a space it shouldn’t be.

Question: Aren’t fillings ugly?

Answer: Often, we think of fillings as unsightly because we are used to seeing gold or other metal fillings. These obviously stand out in a person’s smile, and may cause you hesitation when you yourself require a filling. Happily, technology has allowed us to now create tooth-colored fillings out of composite resin that can be color-matched to your tooth, making today’s fillings just as strong as the metal ones that came before, but far less noticeable. So, now you can restore the integrity of your tooth without worrying about appearance.

Question: Aren’t they painful?

Answer: At the Dental Centre of Conroe, your comfort is our priority. We numb your tooth and the tissues that surround it with an anesthetic before your procedure, and, if you are particularly anxious, we offer sedation dentistry options to further improve your level of relaxation. If you think sedation may be a good option for you, schedule a consultation with us to discuss your options.

Ready to Restore Your Smile?

At the Dental Centre of Conroe, we are committed to your comfort and want you to have a good experience in our office. If you think you might need a filling, or to find out more about our restorative procedures, schedule a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, TX, and the neighboring communities.

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