October Dental Emergencies You Can Avoid

You don’t want to have to call us to let us know you have a dental emergency and need to see us, of course. While we certainly welcome hearing from you and will see you as soon as possible, should the need arise, we have a feeling what you’d really prefer is to have some insight that will let you side-step potential trauma, so your smile stays healthy without any upset or urgent need for care. Fortunately, our Conroe, TX team is quite experienced in all things smile-related and can quickly offer you up some easy reminders for October to keep your smile safe.

Don’t Let Anyone Fall During Halloween

One of the big problems patients often forget all about on Halloween is not the candy (though, of course, lots of sugar can cause problems for your oral health). A very easy dental emergency to either end up with or avoid? Those caused by accidentally tripping or falling. Why might this happen? Well, we can very easily give you the rundown of what often occurs on Halloween night and what you can avoid:

  • Shoelaces become untied but your child doesn’t notice and trips while trick-or-treating
  • Kids and adults wear costumes with accessories, tails, skirts, etc. that get caught underfoot, leading to falling
  • You cannot see because of costume glasses, masks, etc., obscuring your vision, so you end up falling
  • You walk through the dark (trick or treating) and miss a step, trip, and the list goes on (so remember to bring a flashlight!)

Just Say “No” To Obvious Tooth-Breakers

Our team hopes you will remember that the month of October is a time when beloved fall treats show up, as well as Halloween favorites. Some will not present major hazards for your oral health. Others, however, will be quite obviously not a good choice. We encourage you to just say no to things like jawbreakers, candied apples, anything to hard or crunchy, etc. That way, you won’t break your teeth and you won’t end up with a dental emergency.

Prevent A Winter Emergency With Fall Action

Come see us during autumn for toothaches and other concerns, so you don’t end up with a wintertime dental emergency like a very bad cavity!

Make Autumn Smile Safe With Easy Tips

While you can avoid most problems with prevention and wise choices, sometimes you need urgent dental care! When this happens, call us for an emergency dental visit. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

Dental Centre of Conroe: