Optimize Your Dental Cleanings

Your dental cleaning is something you should schedule twice a year, preferably once every six months. Keep in mind that we will always provide you with plaque removal through our gentle, comprehensive techniques – in addition to a tooth polishing. However, there are actually some things you can do to optimize your cleaning experiences. Surprised there’s a way to make them better than they already are? Consider some simple steps that will help you make the most out of your preventive care.

Brush And Floss Between Cleanings

It’s important to note that plaque sticks to your teeth every single day. By brushing and flossing your teeth every day between visits, you keep that plaque from accumulating and causing problems like tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, remember that plaque will quickly harden (within as little as one to two days) into a substance called tartar that is impossible for you to remove on your own. Keep your smile clean for efficient dental cleanings that do not reveal a need for restorative care.

Ask Questions During Your Visit

You’re in our dental office and we are cleaning your teeth during your dental cleaning. We have the knowledge you seek when it comes to keeping your smile healthy and beautiful, so make the most of your opportunity. Ask questions about your smile – we won’t laugh. Even if you just want to know what type of toothbrush to buy, ask away, so we can help protect your oral health.

Don’t Skip A Cleaning

We suggest six-month dental cleanings because they offer exceptional protection against cavity formation and periodontal disease. The more consistent you become with preventive care, the more consistent your results.

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