Treating Infection That Targets Your Nerves

It goes without saying that effective preventive care begins at a young age. What’s more? This routine is much more in-depth and extensive than you might have initially thought. Indeed, there is often an emphasis on brushing your teeth at home but bear in mind that flossing, paying mind to what you eat, and attending routine dental visits are all needed to ensure a healthy smile. Even still, concerns such as dental decay can arise and spread at a much faster rate than you expect, quickly compromising structures. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the effects of continued decay, and how a root canal treatment can reinforce your tooth and protect your nerves.

A Bigger Concern Than You Thought

Whether you are aware of it or not, dental decay is one of the most common oral health concerns out there, affecting millions of individuals every year. What’s more? Its effects can range from minor cavities to compromised structures, and waiting before seeking treatment is always a bad idea.

Indeed, no matter what age you may be, you are always at risk of dental infection. Because of this, it is crucial we take strides to preserve our healthy smiles. Making sure you are brushing and flossing as normal, paying mind to what you eat, and attending your routine checkups and cleanings are the crux of a well-rounded preventive routine.

While most individuals endure dental decay at one stage or another throughout their lives, restorative dentistry makes it possible to mitigate the damage endured, as well as preserve your natural structures. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

Functional Complications

In addition to the damage infection causes to your grin, a person afflicted with decay might face functional issues as well. For instance, when infection creeps inside your tooth, it damages not only the inner dental pulp of your teeth but your nerves as well. This then makes routine tasks such as biting and chewing significantly more painful and difficult to perform.

In order to salvage the afflicted structure, your dentist may recommend the need for a restorative root canal therapy treatment. To learn more about your restorative dental options, reach out to our team today.

Your Last Attempt at Saving a Tooth

When you come in for your root canal therapy treatment, our team will take care to remove the damaged portions of pulp so as to clear out the infection itself. After this, we will fill the open canals with dental material to help reinforce your natural structures and strength. Finally, a custom crown restoration is placed atop your tooth to ensure proper healing and protection, and then you are on your way.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the benefits of high-quality root canal therapy, or to schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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