How Does a Vegetarian Diet Affect Oral Health?

Concerns about the harmful effects of cholesterol and fatty foods lead many Americans to turn toward vegetarianism in their efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s true that adopting this kind of diet has proven benefits, but it is also important to understand how a vegetarian diet might impact your oral health. This is true any time you consume a diet that eliminates a major food group, as it can also mean eliminating common sources of essential vitamins and minerals.

Periodontal Disease and Dietary Risk Factors

The Academy of General Dentistry reports that consuming a meat-free diet for an extended time may increase an adult’s risk of developing gum disease, citing deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D. This is because these two nutrients are necessary to prevent teeth from softening over time. If the teeth are not sufficiently strong, they are more prone to decay. The good news is that your body can produce its own vitamin D just from being exposed to the sun, so vitamin D deficiencies are rare. Calcium deficiency is far more common, but it can be avoided with a conscientious effort to include meat-free sources of calcium in your diet.

Riskier for Some Than for Others?

Children and teens considering switching to a vegetarian diet must be made aware of their unique nutritional needs. An adult might have easier access to information about which nutrients are lacking; parents are encouraged to share this information with their family to ensure optimal health. The AGD also notes that vegans—those whose diets do not include any food that comes from an animal—may face a higher risk of deficiencies of vitamins B12 and B2 in addition to vitamin D and calcium.

A Balanced Diet Is Essential

Fortunately, it is still possible to have healthy teeth and gums when consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet. Your diet should include a mix of fruits and veggies, grains, and legumes (beans, nuts, peas). Vitamin deficiencies may be avoided by adding in leafy green vegetables, soy milk, and vegetable margarine. You might also consider taking a daily multivitamin to get the recommended daily allowance of important nutrients. These are all simple ways of enjoying a healthier lifestyle with strong teeth and infection-free gums.

About Your Conroe General Dentist

For more details about family, general, or sedation dentistry in Conroe, TX, or to schedule an appointment with At the The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling(936) 441-4600.

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